Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Passion Before Everything

Skateboarding for love, not competition.

      Everyday, I wake up drink some coffee and eat breakfast, stretch, do my little workout, then go skate all day long.. I don't skate to be the best, because the skateboarding society in my city (Kenosha, WI) isn't as great as we want it to be, but it is good enough for me. I love to skateboard, but I feel as if skateboarding is taking the wrong turn. Competition is always a good thing because it keeps the people interested in the latest upcoming competitor. But, to me and a lot of other people I am hoping, skateboarding isn't about the competition because it is just a way of life! Skateboarding takes me away from everything bad going on in the world. No politics, no nagging parents and girlfriends, just complete and utter freedom. I feel, as if these competitions are taking away that rawness skateboarding had in the past and the rawness it still has now.. Like I said, "Competition is always a good thing." Too much of it, bring hate and jealousy, greed and dishonor, friends become enemies, and enemies become rivals. There is no need for any of these things, we should be able to live, love, skateboard, as much as we feel like and not have to worry about being at the top. Kids these days, including my self, feel pressured and pushed to become "the greatest." We shouldn't feel this way, and I know that a lot of us do.. Skateboarding will always and forever be my passion, my love, my best friend. Please readers, don't put money, fame and endorsements before the passion. Always live, love and skateboard for the enjoyment and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.


Sickly Skateboards 

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